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ANTRIEP a network of national institutions in Asia with a vision to create synergy between the participating institutions in order to reinforce their capacities to respond to the growing and increasingly diversified needs for skill development in educational planning and management in the region.

ANTRIEP Policy Seminar on “Demographic Change: What are the Implications for Education Policy and Planning? Findings from Comparative Research in Asia” was held during 3-5 May, 2017 at Institute Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education, Genting Highlands, Malaysia

Click on the links below to Download
Presentation by Dr. Quah Cheng Sim Presentation by Dr. Gu Saw Lan
Education Policies for Demographic Changes in Korea Country profile on Education in Korea: Hoonho Kim & HunamLim
Comparative perspectives from three country cases: India, Republic of Korea, and Malaysia: Mariela Buonomo-Zabaletaand NhatLinh Nguyen
Programmes Links
PROGRAM OF THE CONFERENCE “Educational plan and strategy in the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0” (05-07 February, 2018) Click here to Download Programme Schedule
National Seminar On The role of private actors in education: An opportunity for innovation or a barrier to equity? (19th – 21st October 2011, New Delhi, INDIA) Click Here
Regional Workshop On Vocational Education: Policies, Programmes And Innovations (5-8 November, 2012, New Delhi, INDIA) Click Here
ANTRIEP Regional Workshop on Educational Administration and Management: Existing Practices and Innovations Click Here
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There has been an impressive acceleration in the demand for training education planners and managers at different levels of decision making in recent years for two reasons: the gradual expansion of educational management structures, and the trend towards decentralization and school autonomy. Both have broadened the range of actors requiring new management skills. In addition to top level decision makers and planners, the new breed of managers includes officers and administrators across Ministerial departments, right down the hierarchy to district and school levels and the various partners involved in educational development, including NGOs, local community groups and even parents.

Building a critical mass of skilled managers at all levels is increasingly seen as a prerequisite for improving the functioning of existing education systems, implementing the ambitious goals of education for all and developing human resource targets set by national governments. This in turn implies the development of a strong institutional framework for training different categories of personnel level.

In Asia, several institutions are involved in training and research in educational planning and management. Yet despite their long-standing experience in assisting their respective governments to strengthen planning and management capacities, they had no established mechanism for exchanging experiences amongst themselves for a long time. As a result, the level of communication between theses institutions was generally poor and many were eager to increase interaction and engage in co-operative activities.

In order to achieve this goal, a network of national and regional Asia institutions was created in December 1995, with the support of the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP/UNESCO Paris). It was considered that such a network would effectively harness the capacity building potential available within the region by strengthening individual member institutions and placing them in a better position to respond to the training needs of their respective countries.

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The overall objective of the network is to create synergy between the participating institutions to enable them to respond better to the growing and increasingly diversified needs for skills development in educational planning and management in the Asian region.

More specifically, the network has the following operational objectives:

  • The regular exchange of technical information amongst members about specific issues relating to capacity building in educational planning and management.
  • The continuous upgrading of knowledge and skills amongst professional in the participating institutions by learning from each other’s experience.
  • The instigation of co-operative research and training activities in areas of common interest.
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NETWORKING revolves around four main activities:

1. Collaboration on themes of common interest

Member institutions collaborate on research and training activities on themes of common interest, and several institutions have signed memoranda of understanding on a bilateral basis. In addition, several members have co-operated in an IIEP/UNESCO Paris sponsored project on Improving Teacher Supervision and Support Services for Basic Education. They carried out national diagnoses of supervision including in-depth examinations of the actual operation of school supervision in selected districts, and discussed their findings at a regional seminar in 1997. The national diagnoses and a comparative analysis are currently being published. The project has enabled member institutions to enrich their training materials and strategies in supervision. Other joint activities include the publication of a Newsletter and the organization of the annual meeting. A new collaborative research programme on successful schools in which nine members are involved, focuses on the question which particular management interventions have made schools successful and examines how these interventions can become more general practice. Each institute will undetake a few case-studies of particularly successful schools.

Building a critical mass of skilled managers at all levels is increasingly seen as a prerequisite for improving the functioning of existing education systems, implementing the ambitious goals of education for all and developing human resource targets set by national governments. This in turn implies the development of a strong institutional framework for training different categories of personnel level.

2. Exchange of Information among member institutions

Most information is exchanged via the ANTRIEP Newsletter, published twice a year, it presents thematic, in-depth articles on issue of common interest, and news about activities in the member institutions. Themes already tackled include decentralization, teacher supervision and support, and policy reforms in primary education. Research reports, training materials, course design prototypes and other materials are also exchanged on a bilateral basis.

3. Organization of an annual meetings

This activity is crucial to the effective functioning of the network. It enables professionals to learn from each other in a systematic way and facilitates the implementation of various training and research activities. Each meeting lasts about four days and takes the form of a short capacity building seminar on a central theme (chosen at the previous meeting). The venue for the meeting rotates between members. The first meeting hosted in New Delhi (INDIA) by NIEPA in December 1995 had as its theme ‘Decentralized Management of Primary Education and Capacity Building’. The second meeting, organized in Seoul by the Korean Educational Development Institute in May 1997, examined issues related to ‘Improving teacher supervision and support services’. "The third meeting, hosted by the Sri Lanka National Institute of Education in December 1998, debated on :' Improving schol management: the role of the head teacher" ( September 2000). The fifth meeting took place in Kuala Lumpur, in July 2002. The Institut Aminiddin Baki was the local host. Its theme was : "School Evaluation for Quality Improvement."

The sixthe ANTRIEP meeting was held at Diliman, Quezon City, The Philippines in July 2004.The ANTRIEP meeting was preceded by a seminar on "Improving School Management : Learning from Successful Schools". The event was hosted by South Asian Ministers of Education Organisation, Regional centre for Educational Innovations and Technology ( SEAMEO-INNOTEC).

4. Staff exchange programmes

Initially in the form of short study visits, this exchange could lead to more active mutual involvement. Such visits should enable staff to gain inside knowledge of another institution and country. Visits will enable the visitor and host to exchange and discuss research results and take part in each other’s training and research activities. Eventually, member institutions could act as nodal points for the respective countries in order to facilitate the exchange of professionals from a spectrum of organizations.

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Dr. Hj. Zainal Aalam bin Hassan,
Director, Institut Aminuddin Baki,
Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia,
E-mail : drzaalam58[at]iab[dot]edu[dot]my

Since the president-ship is by rotation, normally the host of the Annual Meeting becomes the President of the Network, which changes at every Annual Meeting. The role of the chairperson is to preside over the Annual Meeting, examine the applications for the new membership, if any, and give suggestions to the Focal Point for better facilitation of the Network activities.

Presently Dr. Hj. Zainal Aalam bin Hassan, Director, Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia is the Chairperson of the Network. The earlier Chairpersons of ANTRIEP include Vice Chancellor, NUEPA, Director, NIEPA, India, President, KEDI, South Korea, Director General, NIE, Sri Lanka and Director, IAB, Malaysia.

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One member orgainzation is elected by consensus during the annual meeting as the ‘Focal Point’. It assumes responsibility for the publication of the News Letter and the overall preparation of the annual meeting, in co-operation with other members and particularly with the host institution. Presently, the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) is acting as the ‘Focal Point’.

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IIEP Regional Conference on Educational planning in Asia-Pacific

Common vision and future prospects (05-07 November, 2024)

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Concern for quality improvement coupled with decentralization of educational governance and introduction of school-based management has brought into focus the importance of effective school management in general and the role of the school head in particular. Consequently the school management framework in many countries of the region is undergoing significant transformation with direct implications for in-school management processes, community school linkages, the role of the head teacher as well as external support and accountability mechanisms. While some measures to improve school management could be initiated through system-wide reforms, others require a focus on local level efforts nearer to the school site. Though the nature of changes will vary among different countries, the move to redefine the roles of different stakeholders in the management of schools is easily discernible in both developed and developing countries.

Several questions are worth examining in more detail. What measures really lead to a significant change in the school management process? How have various measures influenced the role of head teachers? Do the changes have system-wide implications? Are they sustainable in the long run? Which of the changes are school specific innovations? Are there elements emerging from these innovations that could be adopted on a large scale? These questions are of direct relevance for ensuring that initiatives help improve the quality of schooling, in terms of effectiveness of the instructional processes and with regard to improving management processes at the school level. It is proposed that these and other related issues be explored in different countries of Asia through the member institutions of ANTRIEP.

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For details download the document

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ANTRIEP Policy Seminar on “Demographic Change: What are the Implications for Education Policy and Planning? Findings from Comparative Research in Asia” was held during 3-5 May, 2017 at Institute Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education, Genting Highlands, Malaysia

Enquires: Prof. Madhumita Bandyopadhyay madhumita[at]niepa[dot]ac[dot]in or drbdmadhu[at]gmail[dot]com Mobile: 9971261952

Seminars Held

Shanghai, China 2000

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2002

Colombo, Sri Lanka 1998

Seoul, Korea 1997

New Delhi,India 1995

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Vol. 28 No.2, July - December 2022, Bi-annual

School Governance: Trends and Challenges

The current issue of the newsletter focuses on 'School Governance: Trends and Challenges'. The articles have been written by various experts and researchers working in this area in the context of different member-countries in Asia-Pacific region such as Australia, China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and South Korea. All the articles included in this issue of ANTRIEP provide knowledge as well as deep understanding about various issues pertaining to teachers and teaching in schools across different countries. These articles have also provided plethora of initiatives taken by the Governments of these countries to address the concerned issues, and to improve the condition of teachers and teaching process in schools. A few articles have also discussed researches undertaken in the above context and suggested for further improvement measures. It has been found that all these countries are actively implementing various policies for improving the condition of teachers so as to ensure quality teaching in schools.

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Click on the given below links to download the newsletter
VOL. 29 NO. 2, July - Dec 2023 VOL. 29 NO. 1, January - June 2023
VOL. 28 NO. 2, July - Dec 2022 VOL. 28 NO. 1, January - June 2022
VOL. 27 NO. 2, July - Dec 2021 VOL. 27 NO. 1, January - June 2021
VOL. 26 NO. 2, July - Dec 2020 VOL. 26 NO. 1, January - June 2020
VOL. 25 NO. 2, July - Dec 2019 VOL. 25 NO. 1, January - June 2019
VOL. 24 NO. 2, July - Dec 2018 VOL. 24 NO. 1, January - June 2018
VOL. 23 NO. 2, July - Dec 2017 VOL. 23 NO. 1, January - June 2017
VOL. 22 NO. 2, July - Dec 2016 VOL. 22 NO. 1, January - June 2016
VOL. 19 NO. 2, July - Dec 2013 VOL. 19 NO. 1, January - June 2013
VOL. 18 NO. 2, July - Dec 2012 VOL. 18 NO. 1, January - June 2012
VOL. 17 NO. 2, July - Dec 2011 VOL. 17 NO. 1, January-June 2011
VOL. 16 NO. 1, January - June 2010 VOL. 16 NO. 2, July - Dec 2010
VOL. 14 NO. 1, July - December 2009 VOL. 14 NO. 1, January - June 2009
Vol. 13 No. 2, July - December 2008
Vol.12 No.2 & Vol.13 No.1, July 2007 - June 2008 VOL. 12 NO. 1, January - June 2007
VOL. 11 NO. 1, January - June 2006 VOL. 10 NO. 1, January - June 2005
VOL. 9 No. 2, July - December 2004 VOL. 9 No. 1, January - June 2004
VOL. 8 No. 2, July - December 2003 VOL. 8 No. 1, January - June 2003
VOL. 7 NO. 2, July - December 2002 VOL. 7 NO. 1, January - June 2002
VOL. 6 NO. 2, July - December 2001 VOL. 6 NO. 1, January - June 2001
VOL. 5 NO. 1, January - June 2000 VOL. 5 NO. 2, July - December 2000
VOL. 4 NO. 2, July - December 1999 VOL. 4 NO. 1, January - June 1999
VOL. 3 NO. 2, July - December 1998 VOL. 3 NO. 1, January-June 1998
VOL. 2 NO. 2, July-Dec 1997 VOL. 2 NO. 1, January - June 1997
VOL. 1 NO. 2, July - December 1996 VOL. 3 NO. 2, January-June 1996
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Contact Member Institutions
1. National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) Dhaka, Bangladesh Prof. Md. Khaliur Rehman
Director General
dgnaem[at]antriep.net naembd[at]bdcom[dot]com
Ms. Roohi Zakia Dewan Director ruhid[at]antriep[dot]net
2. Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE) Dhaka, Bangladesh Director
3. Bangladesh Rular Advancement Committee (BRAC),Dhaka, Bangladesh Mr. Samir Ranjan Nath
Education Researcher
sranjan[at]antriep[dot]net samirita[at]bangla[dot]net
4. Shanghai Institute of Human Resource Development (SIHRD) Shanghai, China Prof. Chen Guoliang,
5. International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), 7-9 Rue Eugene-Delacrois, 75116 PARIS, France Mr. Anton De Grauwe
Programme Specialist
degrauweanton[at]antriep[dot]net rebrwa[at]iiep[dot]unesco[dot]org
Prof. Gudmund Hernes
diriiep[at]antriep[dot]net g.carron[at]iiep[dot]unesco[dot]org
6. National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) New Delhi, India Prof. Krishna Kumar
dirncert[at]antriep[dot]net directomcert[at]vsnl[dot]com
Prof. I.K. Bansal
Head International Relation Division
7. National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) New Delhi, India Prof. Ved Prakash
Vice Chancellor
pved[at]niepa[dot]ac[dot]in pved[at]niepa[dot]ac[dot]in
Dr.Pranati Panda
Editor, ANTRIEP Newsletter
pranatipanda[at]niepa[dot]ac[dot]in pranatipanda[at]niepa[dot]ac[dot]in
Dr. R. Govinda
Professor & Head
rgovinda[at]niepa[dot]ac[dot]in rgovinda[at]niepa[dot]ac[dot]in
8. State Institute of Educational Management and Training (SIEMAT) Allahabad, India Mr.K.rishna Mohan Tripathi
dirsiemat[at]antriep[dot]net krishnamohan[at]vsnl[dot]com
9. Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research (CMDR), DHARWAD, India Prof. P.R. Panchamukhi
dircmdr[at]antriep[dot]net cmdr[at]bgl[dot]vsnl[dot]net[dot]in
10. Balitbang Dikbud Cetre for Policy Research (Puslit Penelitian),) Jakarta, Indonesia Ms. Bambang Indriyanto
11. Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) Seoul, Korea Dr. Chong-Jae Lee
Ms. Kyunghee Kim
International Cooperation Team
12. Institute Aminuddin Baki ( NIEM), Ministry of Education,Pahang, Malaysia Dr. Ishak Sin Director diriab[at]antriep[dot]net
13. Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development (CERID) Kathmandu, Nepal Mr. Hridaya Ratna Bajracharya
Executive Director
14. National Centre for Educational Development (NCED) Kathmandu, Nepal Mr. A. B. Bhandari
Executive Director
exdirnced[at]antriep[dot]net nced[at]ntc[dot]net[dot]np
15. Academy of Educational Planning and Management, Islamabad, Pakistan Mrs. Haroona Jatoi
Actg. Director General
16. The Aga Khan University – Institute for Educational Development,Karachi, Pakistan Dr. Gordon MacLeod
Dr. Amin Rehmani amin.rehmani[at]aku[dot]edu
17. South East Asian Ministers of Education Organisation, RCEIT, Diliman, Philippines Mrs. Erlinda C. Pefianco
dirinnotec[at]antriep[dot]net bennet[at]seameo-innotech[dot]org
Mr. Eligio B. Barsaga,
Programme Director
18. National Institure of Education (NIE) Colombo, Sri Lanka Mr. Wilfred J. Perera
Assistant Director General
jwperera[at]antriep[dot]net wiljper[at]eureka[dot]lk
Prof. G.B. Gunawardena
Director General
19. The Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan (AKES, P) Karachi , PAKISTAN Mr. Wasif A Rizvi
General Manager
Ms. Amima Sayeed amima[dot]sayeed[at]akesp[dot]org
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Check Our Contact


Dr. Madhumita Bandyopadhyay
Asian Network of Training & Research Institutions in Educational Planning
National Institute of Educational Planning & Administration
17-B, Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi – 110016

Call Us

Tel: 9971261952
Fax:+91-11-26853041, 26865180

Email Us

madhumita[at]niepa[dot]ac[dot]in, drbdmadhu[at]gmail[dot]com


Mr. Anton De Grauwe
International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP, UNESCO)
7-9 Rue Eugene – Delacroix
75116 Paris, France

Call Us

Tel : (331) 45037700
Fax: (331) 40728366

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